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Post Category: Christianity & Culture

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Christian Doctrine

How do you define "Christian Doctrine"? To first define Christian Doctrine can be quite straightforward. Doctrine is "teaching or instruction," specifically Christian Doctrine, the beliefs and teachings of Christianity. Christian Doctrine is based on the teachings in the Bible, specifically Jesus' teaching, which is found in the New Testament and is built upon the Old Tes...

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Liberalism in the Church

Can liberalism be found in the Christian Church? First, we need to define what liberalism is to society and the church. Google defines liberalism as a theological definition as well asa political definition. In theological terms, one could define liberalism as the idea that a person must willingly accept different or opposing opinions from others and be open to new ideas....

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Demo Blog Post

This is what paragraph text looks like in the summary area of the blog post. This is what paragraph text looks like in the summary area of the blog post. This is what paragraph text looks like in the summary area of the blog post....

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