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Liberalism in the Church

Can liberalism be found in the Christian Church?

First, we need to define what liberalism is to society and the church. Google defines liberalism as a theological definition as well as a political definition. In theological terms, one could define liberalism as the idea that a person must willingly accept different or opposing opinions from others and be open to new ideas. The second, or more political, definition is that liberalism is a social or political philosophy that promotes one's own rights, democracy, and free enterprise. To me, these definitions are very different. The first definition makes it seem as though the person is good, almost as if you are listening to others and caring about seeing the other person's views and hearing them out to understand their side of the story. However, in the second definition, you are promoting yourself and everyone to have a self-defining role. So the question remains; where does liberalism fall in the church?

In Christian terms, liberalism is known as the "modern non-redemptive religion." This concept is rooted in modernism and the fact that there is more knowledge to be learned and needed than just the Bible. People who call themself liberal in the church may believe in the miracles of Jesus, but they feel as though they have an individual right to choose what ideas support their faith. Liberalism is very individualistic, with man's thinking becoming the ultimate authority. One can often think the future of man is reliant on him or herself, which means people can easily desire to change the world and make it a better place. Liberals in the church would say they can find peace with God while not worrying about the day they stand face to face with God and have to account for everything they have said and done. Liberals in the church would often feel as though they are in control, feeling content with their surroundings and okay with what is to come. 

So yes, you can find liberalism in the Christian church, but I believe that is not true Christianity. True Christianity is not based on your own individual actions or experiences; Christianity is based on what Christ did on the cross; it is based on His life, death, and resurrection. The redemption of believers has nothing to do with us but everything to do with Christ. Liberal theology is detached from the sacrifice of Christ altogether. Liberalism is left to individuals feeling they have a part in their redemption and understanding, which is not what Christianity truly is for believers. Christianity is the belief that you are not good enough to save yourself or the world. That is why God sent His Son, Jesus, to make all things new. We, as sinners, require rebirth through the Holy Spirit to be made right with God. There is no hope in liberalism because we will hopelessly fail when we rely on ourselves and our own understanding. But, as Christians, we have hope in Christ that He came, lived, died, and rose again for all sinners who believe.