The Maxims have been serving together since 1998.

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Christian Community

What Does Christian Community Look Like?

Christian community can look differently depending on the person or the season of life you are in at the moment. Our life with other fellow believers is bound together by the Word of God and what we share, our faith. Our Christain community doesn't necessarily mean that it has to be people close by. God's people are scattered around but held together solely on Jesus Christ, which is unique. We can be connected to people we have never met or met for the first time and already have a connection and comfort that we share faith in Christ. Christian community provides incomparable joy and strength to each believer through encouragement and accountability. Christain community means having community through Jesus Christ and in Jesus Christ. In this, we as Christians point others toward Christ for everything but also, the other Christians point you to Christ. Therefore, each Christian needs another Christian to speak God's Word into their life.

The Importance of the Christian Community

Why is it important for a Christian to have a Christian community? I believe God has made us to be able to communion with others. Christ has opened up the door to us to God and our brother. Due to what Christ did for us on the cross, we are now free to live with one another in peace, love one another, and be united as one body of Christ. Knowing this, I think it is important to have a Christain community for several reasons. One reason would be that God wanted us to connect for His glory based on faith. As we can read in Romans 15:7, "Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God" (ESV). Another reason I think it is important to have a Christain community is that since God has made our lives work that way, it is so much easier to go through life with each other. To fellowship with other Christians united together is more than any regular friend or family member could give to you. The relationship you have with other believers is eternal since it is for Christ alone we have unity.

My Christian Community

My Christian community has looked differently over the years, but currently is the best I have ever had in my twenty-one years of life. Growing up, I went to a public school, so it was hard to find Christain friends, so I mainly found them at church. I did have some friends, but I never was really close to anyone. Over COVID, I realized I needed to go to a Christian college to make long-lasting Christian friendships. Thanking the Lord for the gift of grace that comes with the Christian community has changed me in multiple ways. I have grown to have more confidence in my Christan faith as I have been encouraged and held accountable by others. I also have received joy and fulfillment in helping others by doing the same for them. I am genuinely grateful for the people God has placed in my Christan community of people here at LBC. My friends, their families, professors, and other employees have spoken the Word into my life daily.