The Maxims have been serving together since 1998.

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We Are All Sinners

We Must Confess

As sinners, our prideful nature would be to conceal our sins from others as we are ashamed. Since we don't want other people to know about our sins, we tend to be alone. However, we can not hide anything from God. Therefore, we should feel comfortable coming to Him with our sins because He already knows. We should confess our sins to God, knowing that we are sinners and need forgiveness. In confession, we can also come to our brothers in the Christian community, which is the opposite of what sin does, as it wants us alone. The more we are left in our own sin, the more harm it can do and take over our life. But, in confessing to someone, that is the light of the Gospel breaking through the sin of darkness. In bringing sin to light, we are surrendering everything to God, and in this time, we can find God's forgiveness of all of our sins by living in fellowship with Jesus Christ.

We Are All Forgiven

Through the Gospel, we are confronted with our sins but pushed to the Father, who has given us new life. God sent his Son to save sinners so we can be liberated through the truth. When Jesus came to the cross, He destroyed all pride and created a new beginning with us. Without forgiveness, we still would be lost in sin, not having any hope in our sinful world. But Jesus came and lived a perfect life to fulfill the law we never can accomplish. Jesus died in our place and rose again as He truly defeated sin. A way to remember this sacrament of Jesus is through holy communion. Through the Gospel, we are reconciled with God, and we have the desire to receive the blood and body of Christ. Taking the Lord's Supper with fellow believers is a time of joy as we receive the free gift of Jesus' body and blood, forgiveness, new life, and salvation.

What Do Confession and Forgiveness Look Like In My Life?

Confession will always be a struggle in my life as I am ashamed of our sins. It may be easier to come to the Lord with our sins as we don't have to say it out loud as reality sets in when we have to say it out loud to someone else. I have always struggled to admit my faults to people in my life as I do not want to be wrong. I know how important it is to humble myself and see that I can not live on my own and need Christ. As sinners, we need to preach the Gospel to ourselves every day as we need to be reminded that we are sinners, but Jesus came and died for our sins, and we are forgiven. Communion also is a good reminder for me of how the gift of salvation is a personal relationship I have with God, and He sent His Son for me and my sins. As we come to our brothers and sisters and share our sins through confession, it also allows them to open up and do the same. We are also in each other's lives to preach the Gospel to others and remind them of the good gift God has given to all.