The Maxims have been serving together since 1998.

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The Root of Christianity

Base of Christianity

The knowledge we have of God is at the base of Christianity. Going into this topic, we need to ask the questions of how then should we know God and how we should get to know Him in the way to have a personal relationship with Him. Through the scriptures, we can see God alone in His character and what Jesus' has revealed about God to the people. The revelation from Jesus came through the significance of the Old Testament and Jesus' teaching. Part of the root of Christianity is to have rational theism, which is the knowledge of only one Supreme Person, Maker, and Ruler of the world who is active and at the root of Christianity. But, we can't just know an all-mighty God and have a disconnected relationship with Him. Christianity is much more than that; it is the belief that there is an actual existence of a personal God.

Personal Relationship with God

We as Christians should not only long to know God but have a personal and intimate relationship with our Father God. In that same statement, we can already have a personal connection to God; He is our "Father." This title, though, can look different for each person because everyone has a different view of what a father should be to them. A person with a loving father they can count on for anything views their father very highly. At the same time, someone who had their father leave their mother and did not grow up with any relationship will not consider their father in good light. In the case of our Father God in Christianity, since He is the author of all creation, he is known as the Father of all. But, we need to take this thought one step further. The Gospel in the New Testament teaches the fatherhood of God to those who have been taken into the household of faith. In other words, the door to God's house is open to all because of Jesus' death on the cross, so in turn, Father to all believers. 

My Personal Relationship with God

Every believer has a relationship with God, which looks different to everyone. Over the past couple of weeks, I have been challenged with what this should look like in my life. Regarding this topic, I feel as though I know all the right answers to what I should do to have a relationship with God. Such as being in His word daily, prayer, and my daily actions. I can say all those things, but am I actually doing that? No, then I have to ask myself why. I know I need to have a personal relationship with God, but I assume everyone has the same relationship with Him, so it is nothing special, but that is not true. I think about a friend I would have in real life. I could share a mutual friend with someone, but my relationship with that one person is specific to me because of the words and actions shared between us. I should find joy and be eager to spend time with them hearing what they have to say and how we can love one another. This is similar to my relationship with the Lord and so much more. God is the one friend I can't live without, and I should eagerly want to learn more about Him and spend time with Him. Not in the way that He would view me any differently than he already does, but I will know more about Him and how to serve and glorify Him better than I already know. This is a step only I can take as a believer; I can't read other people's experiences to experience my own relationship with God.