The Maxims have been serving together since 1998.

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The Three Ways God Works Out Our Salvation


Before understanding the different works of our salvation, we need to have a baseline of our salvation and why then it is so special. The basis of salvation for Christians is the redeeming work of Jesus on the cross. It first starts with our sinful nature, deserving eternal death, but then Jesus Christ came because our God loved us and had His Son die in our place on the cross. Atonement is defined as the act of Jesus dying in our place, being now reconciled with God. The death of Christ is a true example of self-sacrificial love that affected man. Humanity was in a despite situation because of sin, but God changed how our situation was worked out through the atoning death of Christ. The blood of Jesus is more precious and holds the value of our salvation than all of the blood that is shed upon the battlefield of history. Atonement is so good for sinners because we know that the work for our eternal salvation with our creator is finished. Jesus came and lived a perfect and sinless life, so we didn't have to because, ultimately, we could never fulfill that purpose. The atoning death alone has presented us as righteous in God's sight. 


Follows is justification which means we are made right with God. Through what Christ has done on the cross, we are not only in new and right relation with God, but we are given eternal new life in the presence of God. In this salvation through Christ's death on the cross, we have regeneration having new life and a new relation standing before God. The justification comes from God; this is the act by which we as sinners are pronounced declared righteous because of the atoning death. Both atonement and justification come together for one salvation that comes at the beginning of a Christain's life. The act of us that God employs in salvation is our faith which we can see as the center of Christianity. In faith, we have conviction in our sins, but we have the faith that Jesus has completed the work for us. The object of our faith is Christ in simply receiving the free gift which Christ offered on Calvary. 


Lastly, there is the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in sanctification. Justification and regeneration are then followed in the process of salvation through sanctification. In sanctification, we are already set free from sin, but the Spirit works in the Christain life for holy living. God's purpose for us is to be sanctified and become more like Jesus Christ. Yet, we can't do this alone because of our selfish pride. But, because our loving Father God wants us to communion with Him eternally, He sent His Son to die in our place. Once we are free from sin, we know that our penalty has been paid for, and we don't need to work to gain salvation. Sanctification is the lifelong work of God in our lives until our death to grow in our holiness. God works out our salvation in all three: atonement, justification, and sanctification.