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Was Jesus a Christian?

Was Jesus a Christian?

The short answer to this question is no, Jesus was not a Christian. This might sound odd and wrong because the perfect person should be an ideal example of a Christian. But that is the very reason Jesus can not be considered a Christian. First, let's see who falls into the Christain category. A Christian has faith in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The term Christian came after Jesus' death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven and means "little Christs." This name is for those who follow Christ and see their need for a Savior. Christianity is built upon Jesus' identity as the Son of God, who lived a perfect life and died a sacrificial death followed by His resurrection for the forgiveness of sins. For Christians to believe in Jesus' holiness and a need for a Savior, they must first be convicted of their sins. In this contrast, we can see the difference between us as sinners and the perfect life Christ lived with Him, completing God's work in bringing redemption. Knowing this, we should understand that Jesus doesn't need to be a Christian. He is God and a perfect human, all at the same time. 

Jesus Is Not an Example of Faith, but the Object of Faith

Moving forward, we can see that Christ is not an example of faith but the object of our faith as believers. Christianity is not having faith in God as Jesus did but instead having faith in Jesus. The object of faith is, yes, Jesus but also the promise of true salvation. It is Jesus' promise regarding everlasting life. The promise would be "useless" if Jesus' did not come and live a sinless life, die, and rise from the dead, clearing all sin from sinners. It is the act that Jesus did on the cross that we are truly saved rather than just Jesus' life as an example of faith. Christ dying for our sins is something we have received and is the object of our faith. The object of faith is to get rid of sin, as Jesus died having no sin.  

How does this impact my life? 

What does knowing that Jesus was not a Christian and that Jesus is the object of our faith mean to me? Well, considering that Jesus wasn't a Christain sounds like an odd thought to have, but I think it ultimately makes sense. Jesus did not need to be a Christian since He lived a perfect life which made Him unique and set apart. I also don't think He would need to be a Christian and have a redeemed relationship with God since He also is God. God is the Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit, which is understood through the Trinity. Knowing that Jesus was not necessarily an example of faith but the object of our Christian faith is essential. I do believe that Jesus, in his life, death, and resurrection, all of Christianity is founded. As I have said in other blog posts, if we did not have the promise for Jesus to have eternal life for all those who believe in the truth of the Gospel, then we would have no hope in our sinful world. Knowing this truth, I am changed in the way of wanting to proclaim Jesus as Lord. But, sadly, knowing this truth doesn't make it easier for anyone to believe. Each sinner has to come to their convictions of believing their need for a Savior and confess their sins to repent and believe. I know my faith is reaffirmed, and I hope to help others see their faith established or reaffirmed in Christ.